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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Huge November UPDATE!

Hey All!
So yes I know I am slack on my blogging. I get so busy with everything that I have going on that I never seem to be able to carve out the time to get a post together....
Until WAM! I realize that I haven't posted in forever and then I have so much to say!!
So let me just sort of focus on all the things I currently have going on because honestly if I go as far back as May, this will be the longest blogpost ever! So I will just cover the biggest things.

First off I have several paintings on my desk.
SEVERAL. I have a tendency to work on several different paintings at once. I think this is something that I learned when I was in Art school. I always had a few projects due at the same time so I always had a lot of paintings going at once. I have tried to do one at a time, its just hard for me to focus on just one for really long periods, so I seem to work on them in rotations. Really, I probably have ADD. But this is how I work and it keeps my attention. Its unconventional to say the least....lol.. But this explains why it may seem that there are no new paintings, and then all of a sudden I have like 10 new pieces..lol Also I work in 4-6 hour painting blocks because I just can't sit any longer then that..lol.. But whatever works to get stuff done :)

Anyhow, my point in rambling on is to express that I am nearing completion on many of the projects that I have on my table so be on the lookout for these.

Second topic of conversation is licensing.

Up until now licensing has not been something that I have actively been pursuing, as I have been trying to build up a nice portfolio of images. I have had a few deals over the years and they were all learning experiences for me. This year however, since I feel I have been building up my portfolio of images nicely, I am making a conscience decision to add more licensing deals to my plate. So the first deal I am adding is the following:

I am happy to announce that I am now signed with the awesome people over at MyTagArt. My images are now available as images and tubes for hobbists. You can purchase my images for usage HERE!

I am currently actively pursuing new licensing deals, and I hope to have some awesome news in the future regarding new amazing products that my art will be offered on. So stay tuned for more on that front.

Third topic I want to talk about is my EBay Shop.

I have been active on EBay for quite awhile now. I have had the shop and the whole nine yards for years and have enjoyed my stay. However, I have decided to close down the shop portion of my EBay shop. I have been thinking this over for the last few months and decided that its the best move for me to close the shop portion but still offer the random original or ACEO for auction. I don't feel that I need to have a store and pay the extra money to have a store in order to still offer this to my fans. Everyone is still able to access to my auctions, and I am still able to offer the same things, I just will be offering originals only, but no prints on that site. Once the prints expire I will not be relisting them.
I recently have opened up an Artfire shop, I like the functionality, the look, feel and ease so much better then on EBay in my opinion. Because of this I would like to focus my efforts more on my Artfire and ETSY shops. (I will still be keeping my ETSY shop) I will be listing EVERYTHING in my ARTFIRE shop and MOST things in my ETSY shop, and random originals on EBay.

Speaking on my Artfire shop I have a few things going on over there :)
I have added tons of handmade jewelry. If you are on my facebook page or any of my social networks you will already know that. But for those of you that are not, I have beautiful cameo necklaces and original art dangle earrings. I have made all these goodies by hand and currently I am running a fun sale on my all my art cameo necklaces $5 off!!! All you have to do enter coupon code HAF5OFFCAMEOS at checkout :)

Jewelry isn't the only thing that I have added! I also have gorgeous hand beaded bookmarks. Mark your place with my art!! I have made 10 different bookmark designs from my original paintings. They have all been handmade and hand beaded by me the artist!

And lastly I would like to talk about my Zazzle Shop. I have added quite a few design over the last couple of months and most recently I have added 2 new awesome products to the shop. The first new product is iPhone hard cover cases! I am quite excited about these. Right now I only have the iPhone 4 cases, but will be adding the 3G cases and iPad cases as well!! Just added these iPhone 4 cases yesterday so stay tuned for the other product designs, they will be coming shortly!
I also added some new Holiday Ornaments to the shop! Just have a few right now, but will be adding more over the coming weeks!

Alrighty, well I think that is it for now. I am getting tired of typing, and my brain is starting to not want to think..lol... if I think of anything else to say I will just write it in another post!
Thanks everybody for the support and for caring about what I do.
I truly appreciate it!

Talk soon!!!


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